Monday, July 29, 2013

Laundry (and cycle traffic) in Vienna

Coin operated laundry seems to be a relatively rare event in the Euro cities where we looked for it.  Closest that we could find was 7 km away (Google maps didn't help, either).

So a bike trip through the city (with 15 kg on my back) taught me a bit about the bike lanes.  Better than Paris (trying, but everything in Paris is chaotic including the cycling).  Comparable to Freiburg (very good, but a small city, so easier).

Vienna is 2 million people, and pretty dense.  But, there are dedicated bike lanes in so many places - separated from the foot traffic and the motor traffic.  Lots of good markings, both in the lanes and on the poles.  Curbs that are sloped and rounded help remind you where you belong, but allow you to swerve or cheat around slow traffic without having to bunny hop.  Cyclists tend to be very observant of the stop lights - waiting even when there is no traffic around.  And, there are plenty of cyclist-specific stoplights, so you know when you are safe.  Turning traffic is remarkable in watching for and stopping for cyclists - it takes a little time to develop the faith that the very large vehicle bearing down on you is actually going to stop - which they do even when the cyclist is hesitant.

Makes cycle commuting pretty attractive and pleasant.

Oh, the laundromat was pretty high tech - central control panel where you controlled your washer, free detergent (none of this looking for correct change), and accepts bills to $20 euros.

I think I'm the only one who cycled to laundry, the subway was very convenient and a bit easier for carrying a large load.

1 comment:

  1. Nice writing, Only Rick could make doing laundry into an exciting adventure.
