Sunday, July 14, 2013

Aaaagh. The Internet.

Freiburg is a wonderful city, and great bike trails and bike lanes on roads (or roads labeled as primarily for bicyclists - I think - Fahrradenweg), and intersections labeled with suggested bicycle routes to towns and cities.

But, although we're in a fancy hotel, and paying a lot for internet, can't sign in easily and when I do sign in had to wait for about 15 minutes to load Strava home page, but then couldn't stay connected long enough to load my ride file.  So, this is over a very expensive cellular data link - and therefore very, very short.  And, haven't had a chance to load any of the stuff I've written in the past 4 days - poor internet connections at campgrounds.

no photos - they're on the laptop and I can't load them onto ipad.

So, not much from here.  Will try again later.

Internet was definitely better in China, but the German food is better in Germany.

Watching Mount Ventoux in German - can't understand much except when I heard "Peter Sagan" and "wheelie" in the same sentence.  (Froome just rode away from Contador - "unglaublich"!)

Riding from France into Germany, funny little things that get noticed:  very organized Germans all ride single file on the  bike paths - French formed armadas that wobbled all over the place.

In France, hard to find your way on the bike paths - in Germany, so well labeled and laid out, hard to get lost.  Architecture in France was ornate, beautiful, dramatic - in Germany, pretty, neat, well-tended.  Interesting change of cultures in a short way.

More later if I ever get decent internet.

1 comment:

  1. Love your observations on French vs German culture, that is exactly what I would expect. Germany is a country I would love to visit.
