Thursday, July 25, 2013

Another country

On to Austria.  Still speaking German, with a bit different accent and different phrases:  if a one-way street was OK for bicycles going the wrong way, in Germany it was a picture of a bicycle "frei."  Here, it seems to be bicycle "agenommen" - at least I think that's what it means.  (Or, maybe it means:  Bicycles going the wrong way will be shot."  Not sure.)

Camping in Europe is a bit different than the US.  Tonight's campsite has some roomier spots with a foot or two between tents, but generally 6 inches seems adequate.  No two groups speak the same language.

Started out the morning with beautiful, cool, foggy weather, but bake to searing heat by about noon.

Trying out my German continues to be entertaining:  ordered a chocolate ice cream sundae today, turns out that what I got was a crepe with ice cream and chocolate sauce - adventures in ordering and eating.

There are quite a few little ferries for taking bicycles (and sometimes 1 or 2 cars) across the river - if the ferry is on the other side there is a sheet of steel and a hammer for you to bang on to notify the boatman  to come and get you.  

We see quite a few flower farms that are honor system, cut your own:  big sign, a couple of knife's stuck in a slot at the bottom, and a can with a slot to put your payment in - in front of a field of flowers, gladiolas or irises or something like that.

Laptop in use, no pictures tonight.

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